I am absolutely positive that these will not taste exactly the same even though I am using the recipe written out in my grandmother's hand.
They will not taste the same because my Papa did not get the little sizzler steaks from the Publix butcher where he worked after my grandparent's retired to Florida.
They will not taste the same because I am not making them on my grandparent's little gas grill.
They will not taste the same because I never found out what "lemon juice (?)" means.
They will not taste the same because my grandmother did not make them and my grandfather did not grill them.
They will not taste the same because I can only hear in my mind, my grandmother saying "Well, these turned out pretty good".
And mostly they will not taste the same because I am not eating them at the table with my "Mom and Papa". But I will have the memories. And they did taste pretty good.
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