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Showing posts from May, 2014

Refrigerator Oatmeal Cookies (Mom M Recipe #4)

This recipe I do remember having on Corliss Ave.  The refrigerator dough allows for fresh cookies for a few days if you just bake a dozen or so at a time       The recipe makes two logs which ends up making about 48 cookies.   However, I think only about 1/2 of the cookies made it to the oven....   since we used to slice them off from the fridge and eat the raw cookie dough before they could be cooked.    I don't remember if we were allowed to do this or if we just snuck a slice of the raw dough.  I am not recommending eating the raw dough since it has eggs in it, but if you are so inclined. The finished product is a chewy yet crisp oatmeal cookie.   I added a touch of cinnamon, vanilla and salt to the recipe. 

Sizzlers (Mom M and Papa Recipe #3 )

I am absolutely positive that these will not taste exactly the same even though I am using the recipe written out in my grandmother's hand.          They will not taste the same because my Papa did not get the little sizzler steaks from the Publix butcher where he worked after my grandparent's retired to Florida.  They will not taste the same because I am not making them on my grandparent's little gas grill.   They will not taste the same because I never found out what "lemon juice (?)" means. They will not taste the same because my grandmother did not make them and my grandfather did not grill them.  They will not taste the same because I can only hear in my mind, my grandmother saying "Well, these turned out pretty good".     And mostly they will not taste the same because I am not eating them at the table with my "Mom and Papa".     But I will have the memories. ...

Cherry Nut Squares (Mom M Recipe #2)

Here is the 2nd recipe from my grandmother's recipe box.   Some of these must be lost recipes because no one in the family remembered Aunt Grace's Orange Cake.   I also don't recognize the handwriting on this recipe so I wonder who wrote it, but it was in the recipe box. Maraschino cherries in this recipe seems like an interesting choice but the cherries give the batter a nice pink color. This recipe also calls for the icing to be put on the hot cake - seems to be a trend.     This cake/cookie bar definitely has a taste that seems nostalgic. Happy Mother's Day Mom, Grandma, Grandma Dawn, Mom Marinich.